Drag or use A and D or ← and → to control camera!

A little war game I made in college. This is a demo which only contains 5 types of soldiers and 5 types of buildings.

Plan where you send your soldiers to. Buy new soldiers, and upgrade them and equip them with better equipments! 

Build buldings and craft food and gems!

Player Resources:

Gold Coins: The amount of gold coins you possess. Use it to buy new buildings or new soldiers.

  Coin Rewards: The amount of gold coins earned for each enemy killed.

   Building Limit: The maximum number of buildings you can place.

Gems: Upgrade your soldiers' equipment. Obtained from Furnace.
Food: Upgrade your soldiers' stats. Obtained from Pot. Three lower level food will auto upgrade into higher level food!


Shrub: +1 Building Limit

Pot: Processes materials into food, used to enhance the attributes of soldiers.

Furnace: Processes materials into gems, used for upgrading soldiers' equipment.

Defense Tower: Attacks enemy soldiers.

Sundial: Increases summoning speed by +20%.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)

Development log


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Send'em to war Gameplay

Thanks for playing and the video!

A little hint: You can buy new soldiers in the top-right menu and upgrade them, don't use all your coin on buildings in the early game.


awesome game, here's some personal advice on how you could make it better:

- edit the tutorial, less text, more interactive, some people don't like reading much in the tutorial, so they probably get bored even before starting the game and skip it

- had a bug when i started the game the store on the left and the building placer disappeared had to restart the game

- make it clear how does the food upgrade your character, place a +1 or something when the line is filled, it confused me cause i got a stat went from 1 to 0,95

Thanks for playing and advice! I'll edit the game following your advice.

The defence stat went from 1 to 0.95 because your soldier would take 95% damage instead of 100%. Sorry I didn't make that clear.